Saturday, December 20, 2014

NEW VIDEO: Breath Meditation I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM, ASMR)

Breath Meditation I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM, ASMR)

Binaural and Isochronic beats. 4.5Hz beat frequency - Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist Chants.

Base frequency 136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the

cosmos.  Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.  Associated with the Anahata (Heart) chakra. Calming,

meditative, relaxing, centering.

Breath Meditation, Breath Awareness Meditation, Anapanasati

Breath meditation also called Breath Awareness Meditation, or Anapanasati, focuses on the breath. It is a basic meditation that

strengthens your spiritual core and is good for beginners to start with.

It is better to meditate for many short sessions in the beginning. As time goes on and you progress the session will lengthen.

Continuity is important. Daily practice is better than weekly practice.

A good sign of progress is that a meditation session seems much shorter than it really was. If it seems a long time and it was

only a short time then it is a sign you should shorten your meditation session.

Benefits of Breath Meditation

Breath meditation will expand your consciousness.

Breath meditation will reduce stress and anxiety, lead to greater emotional control, improve memory, increase compassion, and

increase focus.

Changes occur to the brain that can be seen on brain scans.

There is a thickening of brain tissues in the areas of emotional control. Also various other changes have been observed.

Breath meditation strengthens your psychic (spiritual) core. It will help with all other meditation goals.

Breath meditation will strengthen your ability to stay awake during meditation and remember the experience. This helps you to

stay awake during astral projection and to remember the experience.

Breath meditation will help lucid dreamers to remember the experience and to stay lucid during wake induced lucid dreaming


Breath meditation is a basic exercise that helps teach the mental discipline required for the meditative effort.

Breath meditation is good for beginners to start with and for everyone to do on regular daily basis in order to exercise your

psychic and spiritual core.

Nose Breathing

It is best to breathe through the nose at all times. If your nose is a little stuffy breathing in and out through it all the

time will help clear it up.

For more information on the importance of nose breathing and the breath in general read, "Science Of Breath" available at

Amazon in book form for a small price and available online in eBook form for free:

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi

philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

For those who have clogged sinuses there is a cleansing process that involves taking water in through the nose and expelling

out the mouth. This is called Neti. There are a variety of variations. There are a lot of instructions available online. Be

sure to use distilled water with a bit of added salt. Tap water may not be good for the sinuses.

Nose vs Belly

Some say focus should be on the tip of the nose others think it should be on the rising and falling belly. I recommend starting

with the tip of the nose. Focus on the feeling of the air at the tip of the nose as it goes in and out.

Focus on the rising and falling belly can be done by those whose sinuses are too clogged to breathe through. And it can be used

by those who prefer that technique.

Sensations During Meditation

Meditators often report feeling various sensations during meditation. Twitching, itching, tingling, and other sensations and

strong emotions.

Just observe these sensations and let them pass.

These sensations are your physical and subtle bodies filling with healing energy. Energy imbalances and blockages are being

corrected. You are releasing negative energy, stress, traumatic experiences, negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative

miasms and other negative energies.

For more on sensations during meditation see my video:
Odd Sensations and Strong Emotions From Meditation.

Basic Breath Meditation

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position. Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more

likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy.

Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs,

stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area below the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the

area below your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area below the navel

contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe. As thoughts come into your mind acknowledge

them and bring your awareness back to your breathing.

As feelings arise note them and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Final Note

In addition to breath meditation I strongly suggest Rhythmic Breathing as described in "Science Of Breath" and the Prana

distribution and other healing techniques in that book.

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi

philosophy found in some but not all print versions)


Of Breath (HTML version)

"Science Of Breath" is a small but powerful book. It will only take a short time to read. Read it again and again. It is more

informative than it seems.

If you like "Science of Breath" there are also other books by Yogi Ramacharakara for free in eBook form:

I would start with "Science Of Breath" then read in the following order:

"Fourteen Lessons In Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism"
"Advanced course in Yogi philosophy and oriental occultism"
"The Science of Psychic Healing"

Then read all the other books listed.

NEW VIDEO: Breath Meditation I + PINK NOISE (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Breath Meditation I + PINK NOISE (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Binaural and Isochronic beats. 4.5Hz beat frequency - Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist Chants.

Base frequency 136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos.  Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.  Associated with the Anahata (Heart) chakra. Calming, meditative, relaxing, centering.

Breath Meditation, Breath Awareness Meditation, Anapanasati

Breath meditation also called Breath Awareness Meditation, or Anapanasati, focuses on the breath. It is a basic meditation that strengthens your spiritual core and is good for beginners to start with.

It is better to meditate for many short sessions in the beginning. As time goes on and you progress the session will lengthen.

Continuity is important. Daily practice is better than weekly practice.

A good sign of progress is that a meditation session seems much shorter than it really was. If it seems a long time and it was only a short time then it is a sign you should shorten your meditation session.

Benefits of Breath Meditation

Breath meditation will expand your consciousness.

Breath meditation will reduce stress and anxiety, lead to greater emotional control, improve memory, increase compassion, and increase focus.

Changes occur to the brain that can be seen on brain scans.

There is a thickening of brain tissues in the areas of emotional control. Also various other changes have been observed.

Breath meditation strengthens your psychic (spiritual) core. It will help with all other meditation goals.

Breath meditation will strengthen your ability to stay awake during meditation and remember the experience. This helps you to stay awake during astral projection and to remember the experience.

Breath meditation will help lucid dreamers to remember the experience and to stay lucid during wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD).

Breath meditation is a basic exercise that helps teach the mental discipline required for the meditative effort.

Breath meditation is good for beginners to start with and for everyone to do on regular daily basis in order to exercise your psychic and spiritual core.

Nose Breathing

It is best to breathe through the nose at all times. If your nose is a little stuffy breathing in and out through it all the time will help clear it up.

For more information on the importance of nose breathing and the breath in general read, "Science Of Breath" available at Amazon in book form for a small price and available online in eBook form for free:

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

For those who have clogged sinuses there is a cleansing process that involves taking water in through the nose and expelling out the mouth. This is called Neti. There are a variety of variations. There are a lot of instructions available online. Be sure to use distilled water with a bit of added salt. Tap water may not be good for the sinuses.

Nose vs Belly

Some say focus should be on the tip of the nose others think it should be on the rising and falling belly. I recommend starting with the tip of the nose. Focus on the feeling of the air at the tip of the nose as it goes in and out.

Focus on the rising and falling belly can be done by those whose sinuses are too clogged to breathe through. And it can be used by those who prefer that technique.

Sensations During Meditation

Meditators often report feeling various sensations during meditation. Twitching, itching, tingling, and other sensations and strong emotions.

Just observe these sensations and let them pass.

These sensations are your physical and subtle bodies filling with healing energy. Energy imbalances and blockages are being corrected. You are releasing negative energy, stress, traumatic experiences, negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative miasms and other negative energies.

For more on sensations during meditation see my video:
Odd Sensations and Strong Emotions From Meditation.

Basic Breath Meditation

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position. Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area below the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area below your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area below the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe. As thoughts come into your mind acknowledge them and bring your awareness back to your breathing.

As feelings arise note them and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Final Note

In addition to breath meditation I strongly suggest Rhythmic Breathing as described in "Science Of Breath" and the Prana distribution and other healing techniques in that book.

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

"Science Of Breath" is a small but powerful book. It will only take a short time to read. Read it again and again. It is more informative than it seems.

If you like "Science of Breath" there are also other books by Yogi Ramacharakara for free in eBook form:

I would start with "Science Of Breath" then read in the following order:

"Fourteen Lessons In Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism"
"Advanced course in Yogi philosophy and oriental occultism"
"The Science of Psychic Healing"

Then read all the other books listed.

NEW VIDEO: Breath Meditation I + WIND & RAIN (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Breath Meditation I + WIND & RAIN (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Binaural and Isochronic beats. 4.5Hz beat frequency - Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist Chants.

Base frequency 136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos.  Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.  Associated with the Anahata (Heart) chakra. Calming, meditative, relaxing, centering.

Breath Meditation, Breath Awareness Meditation, Anapanasati

Breath meditation also called Breath Awareness Meditation, or Anapanasati, focuses on the breath. It is a basic meditation that strengthens your spiritual core and is good for beginners to start with.

It is better to meditate for many short sessions in the beginning. As time goes on and you progress the session will lengthen.

Continuity is important. Daily practice is better than weekly practice.

A good sign of progress is that a meditation session seems much shorter than it really was. If it seems a long time and it was only a short time then it is a sign you should shorten your meditation session.

Benefits of Breath Meditation

Breath meditation will expand your consciousness.

Breath meditation will reduce stress and anxiety, lead to greater emotional control, improve memory, increase compassion, and increase focus.

Changes occur to the brain that can be seen on brain scans.

There is a thickening of brain tissues in the areas of emotional control. Also various other changes have been observed.

Breath meditation strengthens your psychic (spiritual) core. It will help with all other meditation goals.

Breath meditation will strengthen your ability to stay awake during meditation and remember the experience. This helps you to stay awake during astral projection and to remember the experience.

Breath meditation will help lucid dreamers to remember the experience and to stay lucid during wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD).

Breath meditation is a basic exercise that helps teach the mental discipline required for the meditative effort.

Breath meditation is good for beginners to start with and for everyone to do on regular daily basis in order to exercise your psychic and spiritual core.

Nose Breathing

It is best to breathe through the nose at all times. If your nose is a little stuffy breathing in and out through it all the time will help clear it up.

For more information on the importance of nose breathing and the breath in general read, "Science Of Breath" available at Amazon in book form for a small price and available online in eBook form for free:

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

For those who have clogged sinuses there is a cleansing process that involves taking water in through the nose and expelling out the mouth. This is called Neti. There are a variety of variations. There are a lot of instructions available online. Be sure to use distilled water with a bit of added salt. Tap water may not be good for the sinuses.

Nose vs Belly

Some say focus should be on the tip of the nose others think it should be on the rising and falling belly. I recommend starting with the tip of the nose. Focus on the feeling of the air at the tip of the nose as it goes in and out.

Focus on the rising and falling belly can be done by those whose sinuses are too clogged to breathe through. And it can be used by those who prefer that technique.

Sensations During Meditation

Meditators often report feeling various sensations during meditation. Twitching, itching, tingling, and other sensations and strong emotions.

Just observe these sensations and let them pass.

These sensations are your physical and subtle bodies filling with healing energy. Energy imbalances and blockages are being corrected. You are releasing negative energy, stress, traumatic experiences, negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative miasms and other negative energies.

For more on sensations during meditation see my video:
Odd Sensations and Strong Emotions From Meditation.

Basic Breath Meditation

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position. Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area below the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area below your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area below the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe. As thoughts come into your mind acknowledge them and bring your awareness back to your breathing.

As feelings arise note them and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Final Note

In addition to breath meditation I strongly suggest Rhythmic Breathing as described in "Science Of Breath" and the Prana distribution and other healing techniques in that book.

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

"Science Of Breath" is a small but powerful book. It will only take a short time to read. Read it again and again. It is more informative than it seems.

If you like "Science of Breath" there are also other books by Yogi Ramacharakara for free in eBook form:

I would start with "Science Of Breath" then read in the following order:

"Fourteen Lessons In Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism"
"Advanced course in Yogi philosophy and oriental occultism"
"The Science of Psychic Healing"

Then read all the other books listed.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

NEW VIDEO: Breath Meditation I + RAIN (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Breath Meditation I + RAIN (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Binaural and Isochronic beats. 4.5Hz beat frequency - Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist Chants.

Base frequency 136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos.  Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.  Associated with the Anahata (Heart) chakra. Calming, meditative, relaxing, centering.

Breath Meditation, Breath Awareness Meditation, Anapanasati

Breath meditation also called Breath Awareness Meditation, or Anapanasati, focuses on the breath. It is a basic meditation that strengthens your spiritual core and is good for beginners to start with.

It is better to meditate for many short sessions in the beginning. As time goes on and you progress the session will lengthen.

Continuity is important. Daily practice is better than weekly practice.

A good sign of progress is that a meditation session seems much shorter than it really was. If it seems a long time and it was only a short time then it is a sign you should shorten your meditation session.

Benefits of Breath Meditation

Breath meditation will expand your consciousness.

Breath meditation will reduce stress and anxiety, lead to greater emotional control, improve memory, increase compassion, and increase focus.

Changes occur to the brain that can be seen on brain scans.

There is a thickening of brain tissues in the areas of emotional control. Also various other changes have been observed.

Breath meditation strengthens your psychic (spiritual) core. It will help with all other meditation goals.

Breath meditation will strengthen your ability to stay awake during meditation and remember the experience. This helps you to stay awake during astral projection and to remember the experience.

Breath meditation will help lucid dreamers to remember the experience and to stay lucid during wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD).

Breath meditation is a basic exercise that helps teach the mental discipline required for the meditative effort.

Breath meditation is good for beginners to start with and for everyone to do on regular daily basis in order to exercise your psychic and spiritual core.

Nose Breathing

It is best to breathe through the nose at all times. If your nose is a little stuffy breathing in and out through it all the time will help clear it up.

For more information on the importance of nose breathing and the breath in general read, "Science Of Breath" available at Amazon in book form for a small price and available online in eBook form for free:

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

For those who have clogged sinuses there is a cleansing process that involves taking water in through the nose and expelling out the mouth. This is called Neti. There are a variety of variations. There are a lot of instructions available online. Be sure to use distilled water with a bit of added salt. Tap water may not be good for the sinuses.

Nose vs Belly

Some say focus should be on the tip of the nose others think it should be on the rising and falling belly. I recommend starting with the tip of the nose. Focus on the feeling of the air at the tip of the nose as it goes in and out.

Focus on the rising and falling belly can be done by those whose sinuses are too clogged to breathe through. And it can be used by those who prefer that technique.

Sensations During Meditation

Meditators often report feeling various sensations during meditation. Twitching, itching, tingling, and other sensations and strong emotions.

Just observe these sensations and let them pass.

These sensations are your physical and subtle bodies filling with healing energy. Energy imbalances and blockages are being corrected. You are releasing negative energy, stress, traumatic experiences, negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative miasms and other negative energies.

For more on sensations during meditation see my video:
Odd Sensations and Strong Emotions From Meditation.

Basic Breath Meditation

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position. Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area below the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area below your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area below the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe. As thoughts come into your mind acknowledge them and bring your awareness back to your breathing.

As feelings arise note them and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Final Note

In addition to breath meditation I strongly suggest Rhythmic Breathing as described in "Science Of Breath" and the Prana distribution and other healing techniques in that book.

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

"Science Of Breath" is a small but powerful book. It will only take a short time to read. Read it again and again. It is more informative than it seems.

If you like "Science of Breath" there are also other books by Yogi Ramacharakara for free in eBook form:

I would start with "Science Of Breath" then read in the following order:

"Fourteen Lessons In Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism"
"Advanced course in Yogi philosophy and oriental occultism"
"The Science of Psychic Healing"

Then read all the other books listed.

NEW VIDEO: Breath Meditation I + WIND (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Breath Meditation I + WIND (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Binaural and Isochronic beats. 4.5Hz beat frequency - Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist Chants.

Base frequency 136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos.  Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.  Associated with the Anahata (Heart) chakra. Calming, meditative, relaxing, centering.

Breath Meditation, Breath Awareness Meditation, Anapanasati

Breath meditation also called Breath Awareness Meditation, or Anapanasati, focuses on the breath. It is a basic meditation that strengthens your spiritual core and is good for beginners to start with.

It is better to meditate for many short sessions in the beginning. As time goes on and you progress the session will lengthen.

Continuity is important. Daily practice is better than weekly practice.

A good sign of progress is that a meditation session seems much shorter than it really was. If it seems a long time and it was only a short time then it is a sign you should shorten your meditation session.

Benefits of Breath Meditation

Breath meditation will expand your consciousness.

Breath meditation will reduce stress and anxiety, lead to greater emotional control, improve memory, increase compassion, and increase focus.

Changes occur to the brain that can be seen on brain scans.

There is a thickening of brain tissues in the areas of emotional control. Also various other changes have been observed.

Breath meditation strengthens your psychic (spiritual) core. It will help with all other meditation goals.

Breath meditation will strengthen your ability to stay awake during meditation and remember the experience. This helps you to stay awake during astral projection and to remember the experience.

Breath meditation will help lucid dreamers to remember the experience and to stay lucid during wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD).

Breath meditation is a basic exercise that helps teach the mental discipline required for the meditative effort.

Breath meditation is good for beginners to start with and for everyone to do on regular daily basis in order to exercise your psychic and spiritual core.

Nose Breathing

It is best to breathe through the nose at all times. If your nose is a little stuffy breathing in and out through it all the time will help clear it up.

For more information on the importance of nose breathing and the breath in general read, "Science Of Breath" available at Amazon in book form for a small price and available online in eBook form for free:

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

For those who have clogged sinuses there is a cleansing process that involves taking water in through the nose and expelling out the mouth. This is called Neti. There are a variety of variations. There are a lot of instructions available online. Be sure to use distilled water with a bit of added salt. Tap water may not be good for the sinuses.

Nose vs Belly

Some say focus should be on the tip of the nose others think it should be on the rising and falling belly. I recommend starting with the tip of the nose. Focus on the feeling of the air at the tip of the nose as it goes in and out.

Focus on the rising and falling belly can be done by those whose sinuses are too clogged to breathe through. And it can be used by those who prefer that technique.

Sensations During Meditation

Meditators often report feeling various sensations during meditation. Twitching, itching, tingling, and other sensations and strong emotions.

Just observe these sensations and let them pass.

These sensations are your physical and subtle bodies filling with healing energy. Energy imbalances and blockages are being corrected. You are releasing negative energy, stress, traumatic experiences, negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative miasms and other negative energies.

For more on sensations during meditation see my video:
Odd Sensations and Strong Emotions From Meditation.

Basic Breath Meditation

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position. Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area below the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area below your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area below the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe. As thoughts come into your mind acknowledge them and bring your awareness back to your breathing.

As feelings arise note them and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Final Note

In addition to breath meditation I strongly suggest Rhythmic Breathing as described in "Science Of Breath" and the Prana distribution and other healing techniques in that book.

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

"Science Of Breath" is a small but powerful book. It will only take a short time to read. Read it again and again. It is more informative than it seems.

If you like "Science of Breath" there are also other books by Yogi Ramacharakara for free in eBook form:

I would start with "Science Of Breath" then read in the following order:

"Fourteen Lessons In Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism"
"Advanced course in Yogi philosophy and oriental occultism"
"The Science of Psychic Healing"

Then read all the other books listed.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

NEW VIDEO: Breath Meditation I (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Breath Meditation I (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

Binaural and Isochronic beats. 4.5Hz beat frequency - Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist Chants.

Base frequency 136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos.  Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.  Associated with the Anahata (Heart) chakra. Calming, meditative, relaxing, centering.

Breath Meditation, Breath Awareness Meditation, Anapanasati

Breath meditation also called Breath Awareness Meditation, or Anapanasati, focuses on the breath. It is a basic meditation that strengthens your spiritual core and is good for beginners to start with.

It is better to meditate for many short sessions in the beginning. As time goes on and you progress the session will lengthen.

Continuity is important. Daily practice is better than weekly practice.

A good sign of progress is that a meditation session seems much shorter than it really was. If it seems a long time and it was only a short time then it is a sign you should shorten your meditation session.

Benefits of Breath Meditation

Breath meditation will expand your consciousness.

Breath meditation will reduce stress and anxiety, lead to greater emotional control, improve memory, increase compassion, and increase focus.

Changes occur to the brain that can be seen on brain scans.

There is a thickening of brain tissues in the areas of emotional control. Also various other changes have been observed.

Breath meditation strengthens your psychic (spiritual) core. It will help with all other meditation goals.

Breath meditation will strengthen your ability to stay awake during meditation and remember the experience. This helps you to stay awake during astral projection and to remember the experience.

Breath meditation will help lucid dreamers to remember the experience and to stay lucid during wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD).

Breath meditation is a basic exercise that helps teach the mental discipline required for the meditative effort.

Breath meditation is good for beginners to start with and for everyone to do on regular daily basis in order to exercise your psychic and spiritual core.

Nose Breathing

It is best to breathe through the nose at all times. If your nose is a little stuffy breathing in and out through it all the time will help clear it up.

For more information on the importance of nose breathing and the breath in general read, "Science Of Breath" available at Amazon in book form for a small price and available online in eBook form for free:

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

For those who have clogged sinuses there is a cleansing process that involves taking water in through the nose and expelling out the mouth. This is called Neti. There are a variety of variations. There are a lot of instructions available online. Be sure to use distilled water with a bit of added salt. Tap water may not be good for the sinuses.

Nose vs Belly

Some say focus should be on the tip of the nose others think it should be on the rising and falling belly. I recommend starting with the tip of the nose. Focus on the feeling of the air at the tip of the nose as it goes in and out.

Focus on the rising and falling belly can be done by those whose sinuses are too clogged to breathe through. And it can be used by those who prefer that technique.

Sensations During Meditation

Meditators often report feeling various sensations during meditation. Twitching, itching, tingling, and other sensations and strong emotions.

Just observe these sensations and let them pass.

These sensations are your physical and subtle bodies filling with healing energy. Energy imbalances and blockages are being corrected. You are releasing negative energy, stress, traumatic experiences, negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative miasms and other negative energies.

For more on sensations during meditation see my video:
Odd Sensations and Strong Emotions From Meditation.

Basic Breath Meditation

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position. Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area below the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area below your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area below the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe. As thoughts come into your mind acknowledge them and bring your awareness back to your breathing.

As feelings arise note them and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Final Note

In addition to breath meditation I strongly suggest Rhythmic Breathing as described in "Science Of Breath" and the Prana distribution and other healing techniques in that book.

Science Of Breath (PDF version with added section on yogi philosophy found in some but not all print versions)

Science Of Breath (HTML version)

"Science Of Breath" is a small but powerful book. It will only take a short time to read. Read it again and again. It is more informative than it seems.

If you like "Science of Breath" there are also other books by Yogi Ramacharakara for free in eBook form:

I would start with "Science Of Breath" then read in the following order:

"Fourteen Lessons In Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism"
"Advanced course in Yogi philosophy and oriental occultism"
"The Science of Psychic Healing"

Then read all the other books listed.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Odd Sensations and Strong Emotions From Meditation

I regularly get questions about odd sensations and strong emotions that occur as result of meditation. These generally occur during or just after meditation but can occur at other times as well.

Twitching, itching, tingling, coughing, heat, cold, seeing lights, hearing noises, seeing smoke or vapor coming from the body, are some of the sensations reported by meditators.

Anger, sadness, anxiety, feeling like laughing, feeling like crying, extreme bliss, euphoria are some of the emotions reported by meditators.

We may also feel rushes of energy. This is your body filling up with energy. Meditation stills the mind and opens you up to receive pranic energy.

These sensations are your physical and subtle bodies filling with healing energy. Energy imbalances and blockages are being corrected. You are releasing negative energy, stress, traumatic experiences, negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative miasms and other negative energies.

When you meditate you tap into deep seated emotions. The feelings can be strong.

Let the sensation happen. If you have to do something about it then do so and get back to mediation. Do not think about the interruption just make the correction and get back to meditation.

When emotions arise note them but do not get involved with them or try to repress them or get frustrated. Just let them flow and continue your meditation.

Alternately you can put your awareness on the emotion. Do not get involved with it or try to repress it. Just be aware of it. This awareness will eventually cause the emotions to subside. This occurs without repression. Follow the emotion down as it subsides back to where it came from.

Don't expect the sensations.If they happen they happen. If they don't they don't. The healing process still occurs.

Some people have trouble staying awake during meditation even when they have no sleep disorder. Meditation activates healing pathways in your brain, consciousness, physical and subtle bodies. Sometimes the body needs sleep to do something.

Don't worry about it. Just let yourself get the rest you need and when the imbalance is cleared you will be able to stay awake in meditation. The important thing is to not fight it or get upset about it. That will just create stress.

When you meditate you open yourself to healing life energy known as Prana also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time. This energy vitalizes and heals you. It transforms you by raising your vibrational level. This leads to healing of the physical and subtle bodies. Improved outlook and greater awareness and other positive improvements.

When I first started meditation I would get itchy a lot of the time when I meditated. I went to a meditation meeting and during the meditation I would start coughing and had to go to the bathroom so as to not disturb the others. I would also get twitching of my muscles.

I wondered if I could possibly be under some kind of psychic attack.

Then I wondered if it was the result of my body healing. Since then I have learned about the subject. I still get twitching and various feelings. The coughing and itching subsided long ago.

Just maintain your meditation practice and move through the time of odd sensations and in time you will experience good sensations such as euphoria, bliss, or just plain relaxed.

Do daily Breath Meditation and meditate to my videos often.

Basic Breath Meditation video:
Breath Meditation I (Anapanasati, Binaural, Isochronic, 4.5Hz, 136.1Hz OM)

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos: YouTube Channel

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:


Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland




Sunday, October 5, 2014

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder I + PINK NOISE (Binaural, Isochronic, 285Hz Solfeggio, 418.3 & 7Hz)

Solfeggio 285 Hz This frequency helps return tissue into its original form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. It also leaves your body rejuvenated and energized.

 7.0 Hz - Bone growth, mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery, increased reaction time, treatment of sleep disturbances.

418.3 Hz - Frequency associated with bones.

Binaural beat 7 Hz beat frequency with 418.3 Hz base frequency.
Isochronic pulse 7 Hz beat frequency 285 Hz base frequency.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder also called Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome, TMJ, TMD, TMJD, is a set of jaw disorders that can involve pain, restricted jaw movement, and popping or clicking noises from the jaw.

Meditating to this video will help you tap into your inner center, and by tapping into your inner center you tap into the center of everything. You will tap into your healing powers which are the healing powers of the universe.


Breathe in deeply and exhale, Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

After you are relaxed, set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Say to yourself

"I am healthy"

"I am filled with healing energy"

"Every breath I take draws in healing energy"

Visualize yourself as a healthy pain free being.

Now focus on your breath for a while.

Now focus on the beats.  If your mind wanders just bring it back to the beats.

Keep doing this for as long as you can.

As time goes on you can increase your time.

Daily breath meditation should be done along with this exercise.

There are instructions for Breath Meditation at my blog:

Other names for TMJ:
temporomandibular joint syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction, temporomandibular disorder, temporomandibular syndrome, facial arthromyalgia, myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome, craniomandibular dysfunction, myofacial pain dysfunction, masticatory myalgia, mandibular dysfunction, and Costen's syndrome.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
YouTube Channel

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chakra Balancing
Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.
3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

BEWARE of bad speakers. Laptop speakers may not even be audible with binaural and isochronic beats that have no other sounds. If they are, the sound can be messed up and the frequencies thrown off. Same is true for cheap speakers. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds. Good earbuds can be bought for around $10-$15.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

NEW VIDEO: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder I + WIND & RAIN (Binaural, Isochronic, 285Hz Solfeggio, 418.3Hz and 7Hz)

Solfeggio 285 Hz This frequency helps return tissue into its original form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. It also leaves your body rejuvenated and energized.

 7.0 Hz - Bone growth, mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery, increased reaction time, treatment of sleep disturbances.

418.3 Hz - Frequency associated with bones.

Binaural beat 7 Hz beat frequency with 418.3 Hz base frequency.
Isochronic pulse 7 Hz beat frequency 285 Hz base frequency.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder also called Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome, TMJ, TMD, TMJD, is a set of jaw disorders that can involve pain, restricted jaw movement, and popping or clicking noises from the jaw.

Meditating to this video will help you tap into your inner center, and by tapping into your inner center you tap into the center of everything. You will tap into your healing powers which are the healing powers of the universe.


Breathe in deeply and exhale, Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

After you are relaxed, set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Say to yourself

"I am healthy"

"I am filled with healing energy"

"Every breath I take draws in healing energy"

Visualize yourself as a healthy pain free being.

Now focus on your breath for a while.

Now focus on the beats.  If your mind wanders just bring it back to the beats.

Keep doing this for as long as you can.

As time goes on you can increase your time.

Daily breath meditation should be done along with this exercise.

There are instructions for Breath Meditation at my blog:

Other names for TMJ:
temporomandibular joint syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction, temporomandibular disorder, temporomandibular syndrome, facial arthromyalgia, myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome, craniomandibular dysfunction, myofacial pain dysfunction, masticatory myalgia, mandibular dysfunction, and Costen's syndrome.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
YouTube Channel

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chakra Balancing
Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.
3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

BEWARE of bad speakers. Laptop speakers may not even be audible with binaural and isochronic beats that have no other sounds. If they are, the sound can be messed up and the frequencies thrown off. Same is true for cheap speakers. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds. Good earbuds can be bought for around $10-$15.

NEW VIDEO: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder I + RAIN (Binaural, Isochronic, 285Hz Solfeggio, 418.3Hz and 7Hz)

Solfeggio 285 Hz This frequency helps return tissue into its original form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. It also leaves your body rejuvenated and energized.

 7.0 Hz - Bone growth, mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery, increased reaction time, treatment of sleep disturbances.

418.3 Hz - Frequency associated with bones.

Binaural beat 7 Hz beat frequency with 418.3 Hz base frequency.
Isochronic pulse 7 Hz beat frequency 285 Hz base frequency.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder also called Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome, TMJ, TMD, TMJD, is a set of jaw disorders that can involve pain, restricted jaw movement, and popping or clicking noises from the jaw.

Meditating to this video will help you tap into your inner center, and by tapping into your inner center you tap into the center of everything. You will tap into your healing powers which are the healing powers of the universe.


Breathe in deeply and exhale, Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

After you are relaxed, set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Say to yourself

"I am healthy"

"I am filled with healing energy"

"Every breath I take draws in healing energy"

Visualize yourself as a healthy pain free being.

Now focus on your breath for a while.

Now focus on the beats.  If your mind wanders just bring it back to the beats.

Keep doing this for as long as you can.

As time goes on you can increase your time.

Daily breath meditation should be done along with this exercise.

There are instructions for Breath Meditation at my blog:

Other names for TMJ:
temporomandibular joint syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction, temporomandibular disorder, temporomandibular syndrome, facial arthromyalgia, myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome, craniomandibular dysfunction, myofacial pain dysfunction, masticatory myalgia, mandibular dysfunction, and Costen's syndrome.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
YouTube Channel

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chakra Balancing
Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.
3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

BEWARE of bad speakers. Laptop speakers may not even be audible with binaural and isochronic beats that have no other sounds. If they are, the sound can be messed up and the frequencies thrown off. Same is true for cheap speakers. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds. Good earbuds can be bought for around $10-$15.

NEW VIDEO: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder I + WIND (Binaural, Isochronic, 285Hz Solfeggio, 418.3Hz and 7Hz)

Solfeggio 285 Hz This frequency helps return tissue into its original form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. It also leaves your body rejuvenated and energized.

 7.0 Hz - Bone growth, mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery, increased reaction time, treatment of sleep disturbances.

418.3 Hz - Frequency associated with bones.

Binaural beat 7 Hz beat frequency with 418.3 Hz base frequency.
Isochronic pulse 7 Hz beat frequency 285 Hz base frequency.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder also called Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome, TMJ, TMD, TMJD, is a set of jaw disorders that can involve pain, restricted jaw movement, and popping or clicking noises from the jaw.

Meditating to this video will help you tap into your inner center, and by tapping into your inner center you tap into the center of everything. You will tap into your healing powers which are the healing powers of the universe.


Breathe in deeply and exhale, Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

After you are relaxed, set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Say to yourself

"I am healthy"

"I am filled with healing energy"

"Every breath I take draws in healing energy"

Visualize yourself as a healthy pain free being.

Now focus on your breath for a while.

Now focus on the beats.  If your mind wanders just bring it back to the beats.

Keep doing this for as long as you can.

As time goes on you can increase your time.

Daily breath meditation should be done along with this exercise.

There are instructions for Breath Meditation at my blog:

Other names for TMJ:
temporomandibular joint syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction, temporomandibular disorder, temporomandibular syndrome, facial arthromyalgia, myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome, craniomandibular dysfunction, myofacial pain dysfunction, masticatory myalgia, mandibular dysfunction, and Costen's syndrome.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
YouTube Channel

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chakra Balancing
Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.
3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

BEWARE of bad speakers. Laptop speakers may not even be audible with binaural and isochronic beats that have no other sounds. If they are, the sound can be messed up and the frequencies thrown off. Same is true for cheap speakers. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds. Good earbuds can be bought for around $10-$15.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

NEW VIDEO: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder I (Binaural, Isochronic, 285Hz Solfeggio, 418.3Hz and 7Hz TMJ, TMD)

Solfeggio 285 Hz This frequency helps return tissue into its original form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. It also leaves your body rejuvenated and energized.

 7.0 Hz - Bone growth, mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery, increased reaction time, treatment of sleep disturbances.

418.3 Hz - Frequency associated with bones.

Binaural beat 7 Hz beat frequency with 418.3 Hz base frequency.
Isochronic pulse 7 Hz beat frequency 285 Hz base frequency.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder also called Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, Temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome, TMJ, TMD, TMJD, is a set of jaw disorders that can involve pain, restricted jaw movement, and popping or clicking noises from the jaw.

Meditating to this video will help you tap into your inner center, and by tapping into your inner center you tap into the center of everything. You will tap into your healing powers which are the healing powers of the universe.


Breathe in deeply and exhale, Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

After you are relaxed, set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Say to yourself

"I am healthy"

"I am filled with healing energy"

"Every breath I take draws in healing energy"

Visualize yourself as a healthy pain free being.

Now focus on your breath for a while.

Now focus on the beats.  If your mind wanders just bring it back to the beats.

Keep doing this for as long as you can.

As time goes on you can increase your time.

Daily breath meditation should be done along with this exercise.

There are instructions for Breath Meditation at my blog:

Other names for TMJ:
temporomandibular joint syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction, temporomandibular disorder, temporomandibular syndrome, facial arthromyalgia, myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome, craniomandibular dysfunction, myofacial pain dysfunction, masticatory myalgia, mandibular dysfunction, and Costen's syndrome.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
YouTube Channel

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chakra Balancing
Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.
3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

BEWARE of bad speakers. Laptop speakers may not even be audible with binaural and isochronic beats that have no other sounds. If they are, the sound can be messed up and the frequencies thrown off. Same is true for cheap speakers. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds. Good earbuds can be bought for around $10-$15.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I was using Windows Movie Maker on Windows XP.  Now I am on a Windows 8.1 system.  I thought the new movie maker would not be able to do what I need it to do, so I downloaded the old movie maker. Windows Movie Maker 6.2
The old Movie Maker that can now be downloaded is not quite the same as the XP Movie Maker.  It does not output in 16:9 aspect ratio.  Hence the black box around my latest videos.
I looked around for a good free video editing.  I found LightWorks and it would take forever to do my slideshow style videos in it.
Then I found Pinnacle's VideoSpin and it too does not output in 16:9.  The paid for version does but the text looks all blurry in the free version so was hesitant to get paid for version.
I then decided to see what I could do with the Movie Maker that comes with Windows 8.1.
It turns out that I can do my videos with Windows 8.1 Movie Maker.
I have to learn to do some things different and there is a loss of the convenience of the old time line.  However it does output in 16:9 and the Titles and captions have some improvements and some quirks.  But the text looks good and I can do more with it when dealing with a busy and colorful background ( busy colorful backgrounds can make text hard to read)
I am working on a new video now in the new Movie Maker.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Solfeggio MI 528Hz & OM (isochronic, healing, cleansing, grounding, cleanse crystals.)

Pure tone 136.1Hz OM.
Pure tone 528Hz Solfeggio MI.
Isochronic Beat with 136.1Hz beat and 528Hz base frequencies.

528Hz - Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair, strengthens cell walls, third chakra (Manipura).

136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Associated with the Anahata (Heart) chakra.

Use this for healing, cleansing auras, grounding and cleansing crystals.

Solfeggio MI 528Hz & OM (isochronic, healing, cleansing, grounding, cleanse crystals.)

There are 5 versions of this video:

Solfeggio MI 528Hz & OM (isochronic, healing, cleansing, grounding, cleanse crystals.)

Solfeggio MI 528Hz & OM + WIND (isochronic, healing, cleansing, grounding, cleanse crystals.)

Solfeggio MI 528Hz & OM + RAIN (isochronic, healing, cleansing, grounding, cleanse crystals.)

Solfeggio MI 528Hz & OM + WIND & RAIN (isochronic, healing, cleansing, grounding, cleanse crystals.)

Solfeggio MI 528Hz & OM + PINK NOISE (isochronic, healing, cleansing, grounding, cleanse crystals.)

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:


Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland




Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows XP Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with 2 GB

BEWARE of bad speakers. Laptop speakers may not even be audible with binaural and isochronic beats that have no other sounds. If they are, the sound can be messed up and the frequencies thrown off. Same is true for cheap speakers. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds. Good earbuds can be bought for around $10-$15.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I was out of action for two years. Now I am back

I am back at it and working on new videos and updating my pages.