Monday, May 23, 2016

Earth Day Meditation + PLASTIC CRINKLE (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra, ASMR)

Earth Day Meditation + PLASTIC CRINKLE (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra, ASMR)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal the earth.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think about nature and the earth. Feel good about the earth and the environment.

Set your intentions on increasing the positive energies of planet earth.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to the earth.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to planet earth and all its inhabitants.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into the center of the earth. Will the energy to flow into the earth.

As you breathe out think of the energy expanding from the center of the earth outward surrounding the earth in positive energy.

Continue this for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

Frequencies used in this video.

7.83 Hz - Earth Resonance. Grounding. Schumann Resonance. Earth Resonance Frequency. The earth's natural brainwave. "Leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country."

194.18 Hz - Frequency of Synodic "Earth" Day. Influences proteins. Brings one into harmony with nature. Associated with Root (Muladhara, 1st) Chakra. The root chakra's element is earth and it is our connection to earth.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

360.0 Hz - The "Balance Frequency" - Brings sensations of joy and healing. Brings balance to health.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Earth Day Meditations

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Earth Day Meditation + PINK NOISE (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

Earth Day Meditation + PINK NOISE (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal the earth.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think about nature and the earth. Feel good about the earth and the environment.

Set your intentions on increasing the positive energies of planet earth.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to the earth.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to planet earth and all its inhabitants.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into the center of the earth. Will the energy to flow into the earth.

As you breathe out think of the energy expanding from the center of the earth outward surrounding the earth in positive energy.

Continue this for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

Frequencies used in this video.

7.83 Hz - Earth Resonance. Grounding. Schumann Resonance. Earth Resonance Frequency. The earth's natural brainwave. "Leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country."

194.18 Hz - Frequency of Synodic "Earth" Day. Influences proteins. Brings one into harmony with nature. Associated with Root (Muladhara, 1st) Chakra. The root chakra's element is earth and it is our connection to earth.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

360.0 Hz - The "Balance Frequency" - Brings sensations of joy and healing. Brings balance to health.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Earth Day Meditations

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Earth Day Meditation + WIND & RAIN (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

Earth Day Meditation + WIND & RAIN (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal the earth.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think about nature and the earth. Feel good about the earth and the environment.

Set your intentions on increasing the positive energies of planet earth.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to the earth.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to planet earth and all its inhabitants.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into the center of the earth. Will the energy to flow into the earth.

As you breathe out think of the energy expanding from the center of the earth outward surrounding the earth in positive energy.

Continue this for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

Frequencies used in this video.

7.83 Hz - Earth Resonance. Grounding. Schumann Resonance. Earth Resonance Frequency. The earth's natural brainwave. "Leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country."

194.18 Hz - Frequency of Synodic "Earth" Day. Influences proteins. Brings one into harmony with nature. Associated with Root (Muladhara, 1st) Chakra. The root chakra's element is earth and it is our connection to earth.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

360.0 Hz - The "Balance Frequency" - Brings sensations of joy and healing. Brings balance to health.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Earth Day Meditations

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Earth Day Meditation + RAIN (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

Earth Day Meditation + RAIN (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal the earth.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think about nature and the earth. Feel good about the earth and the environment.

Set your intentions on increasing the positive energies of planet earth.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to the earth.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to planet earth and all its inhabitants.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into the center of the earth. Will the energy to flow into the earth.

As you breathe out think of the energy expanding from the center of the earth outward surrounding the earth in positive energy.

Continue this for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

Frequencies used in this video.

7.83 Hz - Earth Resonance. Grounding. Schumann Resonance. Earth Resonance Frequency. The earth's natural brainwave. "Leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country."

194.18 Hz - Frequency of Synodic "Earth" Day. Influences proteins. Brings one into harmony with nature. Associated with Root (Muladhara, 1st) Chakra. The root chakra's element is earth and it is our connection to earth.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

360.0 Hz - The "Balance Frequency" - Brings sensations of joy and healing. Brings balance to health.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Earth Day Meditations

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Earth Day Meditation + WIND (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

Earth Day Meditation + WIND (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal the earth.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think about nature and the earth. Feel good about the earth and the environment.

Set your intentions on increasing the positive energies of planet earth.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to the earth.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to planet earth and all its inhabitants.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into the center of the earth. Will the energy to flow into the earth.

As you breathe out think of the energy expanding from the center of the earth outward surrounding the earth in positive energy.

Continue this for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

Frequencies used in this video.

7.83 Hz - Earth Resonance. Grounding. Schumann Resonance. Earth Resonance Frequency. The earth's natural brainwave. "Leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country."

194.18 Hz - Frequency of Synodic "Earth" Day. Influences proteins. Brings one into harmony with nature. Associated with Root (Muladhara, 1st) Chakra. The root chakra's element is earth and it is our connection to earth.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

360.0 Hz - The "Balance Frequency" - Brings sensations of joy and healing. Brings balance to health.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Earth Day Meditations

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Earth Day Meditation (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

Earth Day Meditation (1 Hour, Pure Binaural, Root Chakra)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal the earth.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think about nature and the earth. Feel good about the earth and the environment.

Set your intentions on increasing the positive energies of planet earth.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to the earth.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to planet earth and all its inhabitants.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into the center of the earth. Will the energy to flow into the earth.

As you breathe out think of the energy expanding from the center of the earth outward surrounding the earth in positive energy.

Continue this for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

Frequencies used in this video.

7.83 Hz - Earth Resonance. Grounding. Schumann Resonance. Earth Resonance Frequency. The earth's natural brainwave. "Leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country."

194.18 Hz - Frequency of Synodic "Earth" Day. Influences proteins. Brings one into harmony with nature. Associated with Root (Muladhara, 1st) Chakra. The root chakra's element is earth and it is our connection to earth.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

360.0 Hz - The "Balance Frequency" - Brings sensations of joy and healing. Brings balance to health.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Earth Day Meditations

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio, ASMR)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio, ASMR)

It is beyond the scope of this video to get into the following subjects in depth. However it would be a good idea to look them up and read about them.

It would be a good idea to look up psychic vampires and learn about them, as it is possible you have one in your life.

Also look up the subject of cutting negative cords that are attached to you.

There is a new medical hypothesis by Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Michael Van ElZakker, regarding the vagus nerve and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a testable hypothesis and research needs to be done. If this hypotheses is correct it will be a major breakthrough and could lead to significant progress in the treatment of CFS.

Look into vagus nerve stimulation. Yoga has some good techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve. BEWARE the expensive devices and gadgets. Try some healing meditations and yoga techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve.

Mindfulness meditation (Insight meditation, Vipassana) has proven to be effective with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Do daily breath meditation and daily chakra balancing.

Now on to the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your whole physical body and non-physical bodies.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to flow through your whole body and energy bodies. Feel the energy flowing through you, healing and invigorating you.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

This video has powerful frequencies and energies.

1.5 Hz - Abraham's Universal Healing Rate. Reduction in chronic fatigue symptoms.

4.0 Hz - Reduction of exhaustion from chronic fatigue.

126.22 Hz- The Frequency Of The Sun. Advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental. Associated with Sacral (Manipura) Chakra. The Manipura chakra helps you to realize your intentions and make your plans a reality. It is the center of personal power.

528 Hz - Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair, strengthens cell walls. Associated with the Third Chakra (Manipura). Increased life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Opens one up for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + PINK NOISE (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + PINK NOISE (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

It is beyond the scope of this video to get into the following subjects in depth. However it would be a good idea to look them up and read about them.

It would be a good idea to look up psychic vampires and learn about them, as it is possible you have one in your life.

Also look up the subject of cutting negative cords that are attached to you.

There is a new medical hypothesis by Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Michael Van ElZakker, regarding the vagus nerve and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a testable hypothesis and research needs to be done. If this hypotheses is correct it will be a major breakthrough and could lead to significant progress in the treatment of CFS.

Look into vagus nerve stimulation. Yoga has some good techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve. BEWARE the expensive devices and gadgets. Try some healing meditations and yoga techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve.

Mindfulness meditation (Insight meditation, Vipassana) has proven to be effective with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Do daily breath meditation and daily chakra balancing.

Now on to the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your whole physical body and non-physical bodies.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to flow through your whole body and energy bodies. Feel the energy flowing through you, healing and invigorating you.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

This video has powerful frequencies and energies.

1.5 Hz - Abraham's Universal Healing Rate. Reduction in chronic fatigue symptoms.

4.0 Hz - Reduction of exhaustion from chronic fatigue.

126.22 Hz- The Frequency Of The Sun. Advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental. Associated with Sacral (Manipura) Chakra. The Manipura chakra helps you to realize your intentions and make your plans a reality. It is the center of personal power.

528 Hz - Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair, strengthens cell walls. Associated with the Third Chakra (Manipura). Increased life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Opens one up for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + WIND & RAIN (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + WIND & RAIN (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

It is beyond the scope of this video to get into the following subjects in depth. However it would be a good idea to look them up and read about them.

It would be a good idea to look up psychic vampires and learn about them, as it is possible you have one in your life.

Also look up the subject of cutting negative cords that are attached to you.

There is a new medical hypothesis by Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Michael Van ElZakker, regarding the vagus nerve and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a testable hypothesis and research needs to be done. If this hypotheses is correct it will be a major breakthrough and could lead to significant progress in the treatment of CFS.

Look into vagus nerve stimulation. Yoga has some good techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve. BEWARE the expensive devices and gadgets. Try some healing meditations and yoga techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve.

Mindfulness meditation (Insight meditation, Vipassana) has proven to be effective with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Do daily breath meditation and daily chakra balancing.

Now on to the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your whole physical body and non-physical bodies.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to flow through your whole body and energy bodies. Feel the energy flowing through you, healing and invigorating you.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

This video has powerful frequencies and energies.

1.5 Hz - Abraham's Universal Healing Rate. Reduction in chronic fatigue symptoms.

4.0 Hz - Reduction of exhaustion from chronic fatigue.

126.22 Hz- The Frequency Of The Sun. Advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental. Associated with Sacral (Manipura) Chakra. The Manipura chakra helps you to realize your intentions and make your plans a reality. It is the center of personal power.

528 Hz - Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair, strengthens cell walls. Associated with the Third Chakra (Manipura). Increased life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Opens one up for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + RAIN (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + RAIN (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

It is beyond the scope of this video to get into the following subjects in depth. However it would be a good idea to look them up and read about them.

It would be a good idea to look up psychic vampires and learn about them, as it is possible you have one in your life.

Also look up the subject of cutting negative cords that are attached to you.

There is a new medical hypothesis by Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Michael Van ElZakker, regarding the vagus nerve and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a testable hypothesis and research needs to be done. If this hypotheses is correct it will be a major breakthrough and could lead to significant progress in the treatment of CFS.

Look into vagus nerve stimulation. Yoga has some good techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve. BEWARE the expensive devices and gadgets. Try some healing meditations and yoga techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve.

Mindfulness meditation (Insight meditation, Vipassana) has proven to be effective with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Do daily breath meditation and daily chakra balancing.

Now on to the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your whole physical body and non-physical bodies.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to flow through your whole body and energy bodies. Feel the energy flowing through you, healing and invigorating you.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

This video has powerful frequencies and energies.

1.5 Hz - Abraham's Universal Healing Rate. Reduction in chronic fatigue symptoms.

4.0 Hz - Reduction of exhaustion from chronic fatigue.

126.22 Hz- The Frequency Of The Sun. Advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental. Associated with Sacral (Manipura) Chakra. The Manipura chakra helps you to realize your intentions and make your plans a reality. It is the center of personal power.

528 Hz - Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair, strengthens cell walls. Associated with the Third Chakra (Manipura). Increased life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Opens one up for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + WIND (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I + WIND (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

It is beyond the scope of this video to get into the following subjects in depth. However it would be a good idea to look them up and read about them.

It would be a good idea to look up psychic vampires and learn about them, as it is possible you have one in your life.

Also look up the subject of cutting negative cords that are attached to you.

There is a new medical hypothesis by Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Michael Van ElZakker, regarding the vagus nerve and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a testable hypothesis and research needs to be done. If this hypotheses is correct it will be a major breakthrough and could lead to significant progress in the treatment of CFS.

Look into vagus nerve stimulation. Yoga has some good techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve. BEWARE the expensive devices and gadgets. Try some healing meditations and yoga techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve.

Mindfulness meditation (Insight meditation, Vipassana) has proven to be effective with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Do daily breath meditation and daily chakra balancing.

Now on to the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your whole physical body and non-physical bodies.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to flow through your whole body and energy bodies. Feel the energy flowing through you, healing and invigorating you.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

This video has powerful frequencies and energies.

1.5 Hz - Abraham's Universal Healing Rate. Reduction in chronic fatigue symptoms.

4.0 Hz - Reduction of exhaustion from chronic fatigue.

126.22 Hz- The Frequency Of The Sun. Advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental. Associated with Sacral (Manipura) Chakra. The Manipura chakra helps you to realize your intentions and make your plans a reality. It is the center of personal power.

528 Hz - Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair, strengthens cell walls. Associated with the Third Chakra (Manipura). Increased life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Opens one up for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing I (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio)

It is beyond the scope of this video to get into the following subjects in depth. However it would be a good idea to look them up and read about them.

It would be a good idea to look up psychic vampires and learn about them, as it is possible you have one in your life.

Also look up the subject of cutting negative cords that are attached to you.

There is a new medical hypothesis by Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Michael Van ElZakker, regarding the vagus nerve and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is a testable hypothesis and research needs to be done. If this hypotheses is correct it will be a major breakthrough and could lead to significant progress in the treatment of CFS.

Look into vagus nerve stimulation. Yoga has some good techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve. BEWARE the expensive devices and gadgets. Try some healing meditations and yoga techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve.

Mindfulness meditation (Insight meditation, Vipassana) has proven to be effective with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Do daily breath meditation and daily chakra balancing.

Now on to the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your whole physical body and non-physical bodies.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to flow through your whole body and energy bodies. Feel the energy flowing through you, healing and invigorating you.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

This video has powerful frequencies and energies.

1.5 Hz - Abraham's Universal Healing Rate. Reduction in chronic fatigue symptoms.

4.0 Hz - Reduction of exhaustion from chronic fatigue.

126.22 Hz- The Frequency Of The Sun. Advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental. Associated with Sacral (Manipura) Chakra. The Manipura chakra helps you to realize your intentions and make your plans a reality. It is the center of personal power.

528 Hz - Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair, strengthens cell walls. Associated with the Third Chakra (Manipura). Increased life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Opens one up for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Heart Healing I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Pure Binaural, Solfeggio, Disorders of the Heart, ASMR)

Heart Healing I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Pure Binaural, Solfeggio, Disorders of the Heart, ASMR)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal yourself.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think of your heart. Tell your heart to be healthy.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your heart.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to your heart. Let the energy fill and flow through your heart.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into your heart. It comes in and heals.

As you breathe out expel negative and unneeded energies.

Continue to breathe the energy in and out of your heart for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

10.5 Hz - Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Governs thymus, heart, blood and, circulatory system. Center for unconditional love. Love of life. Love of self & others. Healing of body. Mind/body unity. Stimulates the immune system and healing.

639 Hz - Solfeggio FA. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Connecting, re-connecting and balancing, relationships. Creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Dealing with relationship problems or social problems. Enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Heart Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Heart Healing I + PINK NOISE (Pure Binaural, Solfeggio, Disorders of the Heart)

Heart Healing I + PINK NOISE (Pure Binaural, Solfeggio, Disorders of the Heart)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal yourself.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think of your heart. Tell your heart to be healthy.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your heart.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to your heart. Let the energy fill and flow through your heart.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into your heart. It comes in and heals.

As you breathe out expel negative and unneeded energies.

Continue to breathe the energy in and out of your heart for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

10.5 Hz - Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Governs thymus, heart, blood and, circulatory system. Center for unconditional love. Love of life. Love of self & others. Healing of body. Mind/body unity. Stimulates the immune system and healing.

639 Hz - Solfeggio FA. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Connecting, re-connecting and balancing, relationships. Creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Dealing with relationship problems or social problems. Enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Heart Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Heart Healing I + WIND & RAIN (Pure Binaural, Solfeggio, Disorders of the Heart)

Heart Healing I + WIND & RAIN (Pure Binaural, Solfeggio, Disorders of the Heart)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal yourself.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think of your heart. Tell your heart to be healthy.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your heart.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to your heart. Let the energy fill and flow through your heart.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into your heart. It comes in and heals.

As you breathe out expel negative and unneeded energies.

Continue to breathe the energy in and out of your heart for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

10.5 Hz - Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Governs thymus, heart, blood and, circulatory system. Center for unconditional love. Love of life. Love of self & others. Healing of body. Mind/body unity. Stimulates the immune system and healing.

639 Hz - Solfeggio FA. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Connecting, re-connecting and balancing, relationships. Creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Dealing with relationship problems or social problems. Enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Heart Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.

Heart Healing I + RAIN (Pure Binaural, Solfeggio, Disorders of the Heart)

Heart Healing I + RAIN (Pure Binaural, Solfeggio, Disorders of the Heart)

This video has powerful frequencies and energies and a meditation to heal yourself.

Frequencies used are listed after the meditation.

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Keep breathing and relaxing.

Do this for a while until you are fully relaxed.

Now think of your heart. Tell your heart to be healthy.

Set your intentions on being healthy and pain free.

Listen to the beats.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

Breathe the energy out to your heart.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

As you breathe out direct the energy from your solar plexus to your heart. Let the energy fill and flow through your heart.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe healing energy directly into your heart. It comes in and heals.

As you breathe out expel negative and unneeded energies.

Continue to breathe the energy in and out of your heart for a few or several minutes or as long as you like.

Alternate between these two as you feel is best.

10.5 Hz - Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Governs thymus, heart, blood and, circulatory system. Center for unconditional love. Love of life. Love of self & others. Healing of body. Mind/body unity. Stimulates the immune system and healing.

639 Hz - Solfeggio FA. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Connecting, re-connecting and balancing, relationships. Creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Dealing with relationship problems or social problems. Enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
Subscribe to Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Topical Index of Karmic Beats Videos

YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Heart Healing

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate



Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use the following programs to create the fractal art.
Mandelbulb 3D

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

NOTE: Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

BEWARE of bad equipment. Binaural and isochronic beats may not even be audible with laptop speakers. Some systems have poor audio that introduces popping and other audio artifacts. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds.