Friday, January 16, 2015

Forgiveness Meditation I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio, OM, UT, LA, ASMR)

Forgiveness Meditation I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio, OM, UT, LA, ASMR)

10.5 Hz - Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Center for unconditional love. Love of Life, love of self & others. Connected to the thymus. Stimulates the immune system and healing.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

396 Hz - Solfeggio UT. Liberating Guilt and Fear

852 Hz - Solfeggio LA. Returning to Spiritual Order, communication with universal spirit, raises awareness and opens us to spiritual experiences.

"Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well". ~ Wikipedia

The one who gains the most from forgiveness is the one who forgives.

A life well lived is your best revenge.

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
~ Confucius

Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.

Breathe in relaxation and positive energy.

Breathe out tension and negative energy.

Do this until you are fully relaxed.

Say to yourself:

"I AM forgiven."

"I AM forgiving."

Feel the warmth of forgiveness in your heart.

Think about all the things you have done to hurt others and yourself, even through your thoughts, whether intentional or unintentional.

Feel the warmth of forgiveness in your heart flow over you. Forgive yourself.

Learn from these experiences and be grateful for the lessons.

Say to yourself:

"I AM forgiven."

"I AM forgiving."

Now think about the things you feel those closest to you have done to hurt you, whether intentional or unintentional.

Feel the warmth of forgiveness in your heart flow out to them. Forgive them.

Find the lessons in the pain and be grateful for the lessons you have learned from this pain.

Say to yourself:

"I AM forgiven."

"I AM forgiving."

Now think about the things you feel those who you do not know or know well have done to hurt you, whether intentional or unintentional.

Feel the warmth of forgiveness in your heart flow out to them. Forgive them.

Be grateful for the lessons learned.

Say to yourself:

"I AM forgiven."

"I AM forgiving."

Now think about the things that have hurt you the most, the things that are most difficult to forgive. This may take some time, do this meditation often if you are having trouble forgiving.

Feel the warmth of forgiveness in your heart flow out to them. Forgive them.

Be grateful for the lessons learned.

Say to yourself:

"I AM forgiven."

"I AM forgiving."

"I AM a compleate being"

"I AM a spiritual being having a human experience"

Repeat the steps to this meditation as often as you like, and stay on the areas you feel you need to work on most for as long as you feel is best.

Download Audio MP3 for this video:
MP3 for Forgiveness Meditation I + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio, OM, UT, LA, ASMR)

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
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Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
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I use Gnaural to produce the Binaural and Isochronic beats and Solfeggio tones.

I use ChaosPro for the fractal videos.

I use Windows Movie Maker to put it all together.

I am using a Windows 8.1 Dell Inspiron Laptop with 6 GB

BEWARE of bad speakers. Laptop speakers may not even be audible with binaural and isochronic beats that have no other sounds. If they are, the sound can be messed up and the frequencies thrown off. Same is true for cheap speakers. It is best to use a decent pair of headphones or earbuds. Good earbuds can be bought for around $10-$15.

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