Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Get Rid Of Unwanted Body & Facial Hair + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural Isochronic Meditation & Biokinesis, ASMR)

Get Rid Of Unwanted Body & Facial Hair + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural Isochronic Meditation & Biokinesis, ASMR)

Powerful frequencies and energy to help you use biokinesis to change remove hair.

Please help. Youtube demonetized my channel and I have no other source of income.


First be aware that our hair helps us to sense our surroundings in both the physical and in the spiritual. Hairs are like little antennas that help transmit and receive signals. They aid with intuition and psychic abilities. Some report a reduction in their abilities when shaving their head. On the other hand there are people with no hair that are quite psychic.

Biokinesis is the process of reprogramming your cells and DNA through your mind.

Biokinesis is used to alter the structure of the DNA.

Biokinesis can be used to change physical appearance and even heal the physical body.

Reports indicate that it can take 2-6 months to see results. Though some report having more immediate results.

The more focused you are and the more determined you are will affect how well it works.

Use a quite place.

Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


It is best to breathe in and out through your nose.

If you cannot, then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in and out through the nose.

Move your awareness to your breath at the tip of your nose.

Continue to breathe.

As thoughts or feelings arise, just think that is a thought or that is a sensation. Do not think of it as good or bad or get upset. Just give the thought, feeling, sensation or even outside distraction a neutral label and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Do this for a few to several minutes or more if you like.

When you are ready move to the next step.

Now think of your body. Tell your body to be healthy.

Set your intentions on being healthy.

Also, set your intentions on having proper assimilation of nutrients and proper elimination of wastes.

All of your organs, muscles and cells have minds of their own.

Think about your DNA.

Command your DNA to change your hair.

Tell your DNA that it must function properly and do as you will it to do.

Stay focused on your DNA for a while and imagine it operating to change your hair.

Do this for a few to several minutes or more if you like.

When you are ready move to the next step.

Visualize your body looking the way you want.

Continue breathing in and out through the nose while you hold the image of what you want your body to look like.

Feel how you will feel when you have the body you desire.

Do this for a few to several minutes or more if you like.

You may increase the time on each part of this meditation as you get better at using your healing energy.

Binaural beats and frequencies used:

8.0 Hz - DNA repair. Associated with Muladhara (Root or Base) Chakra. Influences endocrine system

172.06 Hz - Associated with the Crown chakra (Sahasrara) which governs the hair on the head and the endocrine system which produces HGH and other hormones. Antidepressive. Cheerfulness, clarity of spirit, cosmic unity on highest levels. Tone of the spirit.

13.0 Hz - Associated with Brow (Ajna) chakra which governs the pituitary gland.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra, which governs the immune system. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

528Hz - Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my YouTube channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:
Karmic Beats YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to my channel and comment on the videos.
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YouTube playlists of Karmic Beats Videos:

Chakra Balancing

Study, Focus, Concentration, Memory Improvement

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, OBE, etc.

3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

Sex, Soulmate


Also be sure to visit my blog page where you will find free fractal art wallpaper for your computer desktop, meditation advice, announcements of upcoming videos and more. The blog is updated regularly.
Karmic Beats Blog

NOTE: Some beats and frequencies can you make you drowsy. Binaural and Isochronic beats are best listened to with earbuds or headphones. Adjust the volume to a level that is comfortable for you.

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