Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Facial Pain Healing (Pure Binaural for healing facial pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Facial Pain Healing (Pure Binaural for healing facial pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Powerful healing energy, frequencies, and meditation to help heal Facial Pain (Trigeminal Neuralgia, and other facial pain).

Please help. Youtube demonetized my channel and I have little other income.


Downloadable MP3 Files from Karmic Beats Videos.

I wish to thank those who have become patrons and bought audio files.

Karmic Beats 2 Channel

I make 6 versions of each video. The first has the beats, the energy and a meditation. The other 5 videos have the same beats, energy and meditation, they also have added sounds such as rain, wind, wind & rain, pink noise and plastic crinkle (ASMR). These different versions are made because different people have different preferences for the added sounds.

Here is the text and meditation found in the videos:

Do not forgo medical treatment.

Use a quiet place.

Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


Breathe naturally.

Let the abdomen expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale.

It is best to breathe in and out through your nose.

If you cannot, then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in and out through the nose.

Move your awareness to your breath at the tip of your nose.

Continue to breathe.

As thoughts or feelings arise, just think that is a thought or that is a sensation. Do not think of it as good or bad or get upset. Just give the thought, feeling, sensation or even outside distraction a neutral label and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

Now think of your body. Tell your body to be healthy.

Set your intentions on being healthy.

Now while keeping your eyes closed, look up at the point between your eyebrows.

Focus your attention on the point between your eyebrows.

If it is to uncomfortable to look up just keep your eyes in a comfortable position.

Be sure to maintain your mental focus on the area between your eyebrows.

Breathe naturally and visualize white and purple light flowing into the top of your head.

This is healing energy. It flows into the top and the forehead wrapping all around the head.

See this energy and feel its warmth. You might even hear it as it flows in and out.

As you breathe in the energy flows in and when you breathe out it flows out.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

You may increase the time on each part of this meditation as you get better at using your healing energy.

Binaural beats and frequencies used:

13.0 Hz - Associated with Brow (Ajna) chakra which governs Pineal gland, brain, neurological system, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, center of the forehead, blood supply to the head, scalp, bones of the face, base of the skull (occiput), eyes, ears and Eustachian tubes, nose, sinuses (sinusitis when blocked) and forehead, mouth and tongue, vocal chords

15 Hz - Associated with Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) which governs the pituitary and pineal glands. All of the areas of the cranial nerves, brain stem and cranial plexus are connected with this Chakra in some way. What applies to the 6th Chakra will usually apply to this one, too.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra.

Here are the other 5 versions of Facial Pain Healing

Facial Pain Healing + WIND (Pure Binaural for healing facial pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Facial Pain Healing + RAIN (Pure Binaural for healing facial pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Facial Pain Healing + WIND & RAIN (Pure Binaural for healing facial pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Facial Pain Healing + PINK NOISE (Pure Binaural for healing facial pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Facial Pain Healing + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Pure Binaural for healing facial pain and Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Friday, October 23, 2020

Lipoma Healing (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Lipoma)

Lipoma Healing (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Lipoma)

Powerful healing energy, frequencies, and meditation to help heal Lipoma.

Please subscribe to my channels and comment on the videos.

Please help. Youtube demonetized my channel and I have little other income.


Downloadable MP3 Files from Karmic Beats Videos.

Karmic Beats 2 Channel

I make 6 versions of each video. The first has the beats, the energy and a meditation. The other 5 videos have the same beats, energy and meditation, they also have added sounds such as rain, wind, wind & rain, pink noise and plastic crinkle (ASMR). These different versions are made because different people have different preferences for the added sounds.

Here is the text and meditation found in the videos:

Use a quiet place.

Sit in a comfortable position.

Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep your back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet and release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area below the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area around your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area around the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe.

As thoughts or feelings arise, just think that is a thought or that is a sensation. Do not think of it as good or bad or get upset. Just give the thought, feeling, sensation or even outside distraction a neutral label and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

All of your organs, muscles and cells have minds of their own.
Cells have minds and consciousness of their own.
Cells are the fundamental unit of consciousness for biological organisms.
We can communicate and control our cell minds through direct effort of our overall mind.

Think about the cells of your body.

Command the cells of your body to function properly and to properly assimilate nutrients and properly eliminate wastes and to absorb lots of pranic (chi) energy.

Stay focused on your cells for a while and imagine them functioning optimally and efficiently.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest. With a little practice, you will feel the Heart Chakra when you breath energy into it.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Breathe in and imagine the energy flowing into your Heart Chakra.
As you breathe out, the energy goes out taking away any negative and unneeded energy.
Feel this warm energy as it flows in and out.
Visualize the energy as it flows in and out with each breath.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

You may increase the time on each part of this meditation as you get better at using your healing energy.

Binaural beats and frequencies used:

126.22 Hz - Associated with Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra which governs the liver, adrenals, duodenum, pancreas, digestive system, stomach, gall bladder, kidneys, small intestines and below the breast breath, and more.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra, which governs the immune system. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

12 Hz - Associated with Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra which governs the mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus, throat, vocal cords, thyroid, trachea, neck, ears parathyroid, hypothalamus. And, stimulates mental clarity, centering, and mental stability.

Here are the other 5 versions of

Lipoma Healing + WIND (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Lipoma)

Lipoma Healing + RAIN (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Lipoma)

Lipoma Healing + WIND & RAIN (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Lipoma)

Lipoma Healing + PINK NOISE (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Lipoma)

Lipoma Healing + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Lipoma, ASMR)

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Leaky Gut Healing (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Healing Leaky Gut)

Leaky Gut Healing (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Healing Leaky Gut)

Powerful healing energy, frequencies, and meditation to help heal Leaky Gut.

Please help. Youtube demonetized my channel and I have little other income.


Downloadable MP3 Files from Karmic Beats Videos.

Karmic Beats 2 Channel

I make 6 versions of each video. The first has the beats, the energy and a meditation. The other 5 videos have the same beats, energy and meditation, they also have added sounds such as rain, wind, wind & rain, pink noise and plastic crinkle (ASMR). These different versions are made because different people have different preferences for the added sounds.

Here is the text and meditation found in the videos:

Research shows that "Meditation helps regulate the stress response, thereby suppressing chronic inflammation states and maintaining a healthy gut-barrier function." (1) There is also the healing energy which not yet proven by science has been believed in by many since ancient times.

Be sure to eat in a non-stressful environment.
Meditate before eating to ensure you are in a relaxed state.
NEVER eat when angry or emotionally excited. This is very bad for digestion.
Calm yourself down first then eat.
Express gratitude for the food you eat.

Practice mindfulness in eating.
Chew your food until it is paste in your mouth before swallowing.
Pay attention to the act of eating while you are eating.
Proper assimilation of nutrients and energy, and proper elimination of wastes are important.
Set your intention on absorbing all the physical and spiritual nutrition in the food.

Ovoid excessive sugar intake.
Ovoid Alcohol
Ovoid Long term use of NSAIDs like ibuprofen.
Eat probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut.
Eat prebiotic foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Charge your food with pranic energy.
Charge Water & Food Overnight (10 Hours, Binaural, Isochronic, Solfeggio 528Hz MI)

Do some chakra balancing with extra attention on the sacral and solar plexus chakras.
Full Chakra Balance I (70 minutes 7 chakras binaural isochronic)

Use a quiet place.

Sit in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.


Breathe naturally.

Let the abdomen expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale.

It is best to breathe in and out through your nose.

If you cannot, then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in and out through the nose.

Move your awareness to your breath at the tip of your nose.

Continue to breathe.

As thoughts or feelings arise, just think that is a thought or that is a sensation. Do not think of it as good or bad or get upset. Just give the thought, feeling, sensation or even outside distraction a neutral label and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Do this for a few to several minutes or more if you like.

When you are ready move to the next step.

Now think of your body. Tell your body to be healthy.

Set your intentions on having proper assimilation of nutrients and proper elimination of wastes.

All of your organs, muscles and cells have minds of their own.

Think about the cells of your body.

Command the cells of your body to properly assimilate nutrients and properly eliminate wastes and to absorb lots of pranic (chi) energy.

Tell the cells that they must heal and function properly.

Stay focused on your cells for a while and imagine them functioning optimally and efficiently.

When you are ready move to the next step.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.


Visualize yourself as hollow, with skin glowing white. Take a few moments to strongly establish this visualization.

Then Visualize a hollow 1 cm tube just in front of your spine, going from your perineum to the crown of your head.

Visualize two other tubes on either side of the first, that go from the nostrils up to the center of your forehead then alongside the main tube until they connect to the main tube just below the navel.

As you breathe in visualize and feel the energy coming in through your nostrils and down the two side tubes and into the junction where the three tubes meet. In that junction visualize a small glowing white ball of energy. It is very hot. As the air flows in, it makes the energy ball sizzle and hotter, like bellows fanning a furnace. See the ball glowing; feel the heat; hear the sizzle.

Breathe in deeply and then hold your breath as long as you can. Continue the visualization. Keep seeing hearing and feeling the energy.

When you release your breath send the prana (chi) energy up the middle tube and out through your crown. You may feel some hair tingles.

Do several rounds of this (Inner Fire Meditation) or more.

1) The Effects of Stress and Meditation on the Immune System, Human Microbiota, and Epigenetics. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29306937

Binaural beats and frequencies used:

9.0 Hz & 210.42 - Associated with Sacral (Svadhisthana, 2nd) Chakra which which governs the large intestines and bladder. 126.22 Hz - Associated with Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra which governs, digestive system, stomach, small intestines.

NOTE: Some beats and frequencies can you make you drowsy.

Here are the other 5 versions of Leaky Gut Healing

Leaky Gut Healing + WIND (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Healing Leaky Gut)

Leaky Gut Healing + RAIN (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Healing Leaky Gut)

Leaky Gut Healing + WIND & RAIN (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Healing Leaky Gut)

Leaky Gut Healing + PINK NOISE (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Healing Leaky Gut)

Leaky Gut Healing + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Healing Leaky Gut, ASMR)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Global Healing Meditation + WIND (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Global Virus Healing)

Global Healing Meditation + WIND (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Global Virus Healing)

Powerful loving-kindness energy to heal the world.

Please help. Youtube demonetized my channel and I have little other income.


Downloadable MP3 Files from Karmic Beats Videos.

Karmic Beats 2 Channel

I make 6 versions of each video. The first has the beats, the energy and a meditation. The other 5 videos have the same beats, energy and meditation, they also have added sounds such as rain, wind, wind & rain, pink noise and plastic crinkle (ASMR). These different versions are made because different people have different preferences for the added sounds.

YouTube removed all but 3 of these videos citing rules violation. I removed the word coronavirus from the titles of these two and that seemed to satisfy youtube. So there are only two versions of this video

Here is the text and meditation found in the videos:

Use a quiet place.

Sit in a comfortable position.

Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep your back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area around the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area around your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area around the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe.

As thoughts or feelings arise, just think that is a thought or that is a sensation. Do not think of it as good or bad or get upset. Just give the thought, feeling, sensation or even outside distraction a neutral label and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

Now think of the world. Tell the world to be healthy.

Set your intentions on being in a healthy world.

Stay focused on the world for a while and imagine all of the world's parts functioning optimally and efficiently.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time. This energy is the energy of loving-kindness.

Now breathe healing loving-kindness into your solar plexus.

As you breathe in imagine healing loving-kindness flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the loving-kindness to flow into you.

Breathe healing loving-kindness out in all directions through your body.

Sending love to yourself.

Feel the warmth of this energy.
Visualize the energy as it flows in and out with each breath.
Hear the energy sizzle as it warms you up and heals you.

Keep breathing in and out energy.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now using the same procedure. Breath loving-kindness in and send it out to those you love and care about.

Feel, visualize and hear the loving-kindness as you breathe it in and send it to your loved ones.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now still using the same procedure. Breath loving-kindness in and send it out to those you do not like. Send it to those who have done you harm. Those whom you have bad feelings for. Drop the negative feelings toward them and send them loving-kindness.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now send the energy to everyone and everything. All people, all living things and all non-living things.

Feel the warmth of this energy as it flows through you and out to everyone else.
Visualize the energy as it flows in and out with each breath.
Hear the energy sizzle as it warms you up and heals you and spreads healing loving-kindness to everyone and everything.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

You can increase the time on each part as you get better at meditation.

To help yourself and the world, please participate in global meditations regularly.

Feel free to share this video with others.


And get going and help raise up the world.

Binaural beats and frequencies used:

10.5 Hz - Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Center for unconditional love. Love of Life, love of self & others. Connected to the thymus. Stimulates the immune system and healing.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra, which governs the immune system. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

126.22 Hz - Associated with the Solar Plexus (Manipura) chakra. The Manipura chakra helps you to realize your intentions and make your plans a reality. It is the center of personal power, self-esteem and self-confidence. Governs below the breast breath.

10 Hz - Solar Plexus (Manipura) chakra - Strength of will. Warriors with a strong solar plexus chakra, are said to be unbeatable in battle.

Here are the other 2 versions of Global Healing Meditation (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Global Virus Healing)

Global Healing Meditation + RAIN (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Global Virus Healing)

Global Healing Meditation + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Binaural Isochronic Meditation for Global Virus Healing)

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Virus Healing (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Viruses)

Virus Healing (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Viruses)

Powerful healing energy, frequencies, and meditation to help heal viruses.

Please help. Youtube demonetized my channel and I have no other source of income.


Downloadable MP3 Files from Karmic Beats Videos.

I make 6 versions of each video. The first has the beats, the energy and a meditation. The other 5 videos have the same beats, energy and meditation, they also have added sounds such as rain, wind, wind & rain, pink noise and plastic crinkle (ASMR). These different versions are made because different people have different preferences for the added sounds.

Karmic Beats 2 Channel

Here is the text and meditation found in the videos:

Use a quiet place.

Sit in a comfortable position.

Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep your back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

It is best to breathe in and out through your nose. If you cannot, then breathe through your mouth.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area around the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area around your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area around the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe. As thoughts or feelings arise, just think that is a thought or that is a sensation. Do not think of it as good or bad or get upset. Just give the thought, feeling, sensation or even outside distraction a neutral label and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

All of your organs and cells have minds of their own.

Think about the cells of your body.

Command the cells of your body to properly assimilate nutrients and properly eliminate wastes and to absorb lots of pranic (chi) energy.

Stay focused on your cells for a while and imagine them functioning optimally and efficiently.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Imagine you are breathing this energy in through your Heart Chakra, which is located between the breasts, in the center of the breastbone.

As you breath in and out, imagine healing energy flowing in and out of your Heart Chakra with each breath.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

Feel the warmth of this energy.
Visualize the energy as it flows in and out with each breath.
Hear the energy sizzle as it warms you up and heals you.

Keep breathing pranic energy in and out.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

Now breathe healing energy into your solar plexus.

As you breathe in imagine healing energy flowing into you, and into your solar plexus.

Will the healing energy to flow into you.

Breathe the energy out in all directions through your body.

First it flows into your abdominal area.

Then it flows out into the rest of your body and then through your non-physical bodies.

Let it flow through your physical and non-physical bodies.

Feel it flowing through all your energy pathways and Chakras.

Feel the warmth of this energy.
Visualize the energy as it flows in and out with each breath.
Hear the energy sizzle as it warms you up and heals you.

Keep breathing in and out energy.

Do that for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

You may increase the time on each part of this meditation as you get better at using your healing energy.

Binaural beats and frequencies used:

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra, which governs the immune system. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

10.5 Hz - Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Governs the immune system, thymus, heart, blood and, circulatory system. Center for unconditional love. Love of Life, love of self & others. Stimulates the immune system and healing.

741 Hz - Solfeggio Sol. Cleans cells of toxins, electromagnetic radiations, viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.

NOTE: Some beats and frequencies can you make you drowsy.

Here are the other 5 versions of Virus Healing:

Virus Healing + WIND (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Viruses)

Virus Healing + RAIN (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Viruses)

Virus Healing + WIND & RAIN (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Viruses)

Virus Healing + PINK NOISE (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Viruses)

Virus Healing + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Pure Binaural, Meditation for Healing Viruses, ASMR)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Cyst Healing (Pure Binaural, Meditation to heal cysts)

Cyst Healing (Pure Binaural, Meditation to heal cysts)

Powerful healing energy, frequencies, and meditation to help heal cysts.

Please help. Youtube demonetized my channel and I have no other source of income.


Downloadable MP3 Files from Karmic Beats Videos.

I make 6 versions of each video. The first has the beats, the energy and a meditation. The other 5 videos have the same beats, energy and meditation, they also have added sounds such as rain, wind, wind & rain, pink noise and plastic crinkle (ASMR). These different versions are made because different people have different preferences for the added sounds.

Karmic Beats 2 Channel

Here is the text and meditation found in the videos:

Use a quiet place.

Sit in a comfortable position.

Sitting is preferred rather than lying. Lying down is OK however one is more likely to fall asleep. It is most important to keep your back straight to prevent sleepiness and back strain.

Breathe in and out through the nose. Relax. Breathe in relaxation and positive energy. Breathe out tension and negative energy. Bring your awareness to your feet release all tension in your feet. Move your awareness slowly through your whole body, legs, stomach, back, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, face, head. Release the tension and relax as you breathe in and out.

Breathe from the area below the navel. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe in through your nose. As you breathe in the area below your navel, front, back and sides should expand outward. Breathe out. As you breathe out, the area below the navel contracts inward.

Keep your awareness on your breath at the tip of your nose. Continue to breathe.

As thoughts or feelings arise, just think that is a thought or that is a sensation. Do not think of it as good or bad or get upset. Just give the thought, feeling, sensation or even outside distraction a neutral label and move your awareness back to your breathing.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

When you are ready, move to the next step.

Now think of your body. Tell your body to be healthy.

Set your intentions on being healthy.

Also, set your intentions on having proper assimilation of nutrients and proper elimination of wastes.

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest. With a little practice, you will feel the Heart Chakra when you breath energy into it. The Heart Chakra governs the immune system.

The healing life energy is known as Prana and is also called Chi, Qi, Ki, and various other names by various cultures throughout the world and through time.

Breathe in and imagine the energy flowing into your Heart Chakra.
As you breathe out, the energy goes out taking away any negative and unneeded energy.
Feel this warm energy as it flows in and out.
Visualize the energy as it flows in and out with each breath.
Hear the energy sizzle as it warms you up and heals you.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

Now breathe the healing energy into the cyst just like you did with the Heart Chakra.
As you breathe out, the energy goes out taking away any negative and unneeded energy.
Feel this warm energy as it flows in and out.
Visualize the energy as it flows in and out with each breath.
Hear the energy sizzle as it warms you up and heals you.

Do this for a few or several minutes. Or as long as you like.

You may increase the time on each part of this meditation as you get better at using your healing energy.

Binaural beats and frequencies used:

10.5 Hz - Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra. Connected to the thymus. Stimulates the immune system and healing. Center for unconditional love. Love of Life, love of self & others.

285 Hz - (Solfeggio) This frequency helps return tissue into its original form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. Useful in treatment of damaged tissues. It also leaves your body rejuvenated and energized.

136.1 Hz - Frequency of OM. Associated with Heart (Anahata) chakra, which governs the immune system. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy. Significant tone in Indian music. Also called Sadja, or Sa.

33 Hz - Christ consciousness, Pyramid frequency (inside), 5th Schumann Resonance.

Here are the other 5 versions of Cyst Healing:

Cyst Healing + WIND (Pure Binaural, Meditation to heal cysts)

Cyst Healing + RAIN (Pure Binaural, Meditation to heal cysts)

Cyst Healing + WIND & RAIN (Pure Binaural, Meditation to heal cysts)

Cyst Healing + PINK NOISE (Pure Binaural, Meditation to heal cysts)

Cyst Healing + PLASTIC CRINKLE (Pure Binaural, Meditation to heal cysts, ASMR)