At Karmic Beats I provide healing videos with binaural beats, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, ASMR, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.
Most binaural & isochronic beats videos are one hour long. Many videos are falsely labeled by Blogger as unavailable. These videos are available. Use link below video.
0.5Hz binaural beat with 528Hz solfeggio MI base frequency.
0.5Hz isochronic beat with 528Hz solfeggio MI base frequency.
0.5Hz delta range - Helps remove unwanted material from the body, very relaxing, relief from headaches and lower back pain.
Delta waves are healing frequencies; anti-aging and rejuvenating.
They invigorate and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.
Brainwave entrainment to delta frequencies is conducive to miracle type healing, divine knowledge, inner being & personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, one with the universe experiences.
528Hz Solfeggio MI frequency - Transformation and miracles, DNA repair, strengthens cell walls.
Sit in a comfortable position. Keep your hands open. Close your eyes. Relax. Breathe in positive energy. Breathe out the tension.
Imagine you are breathing in light of pure healing love energy. Breathe out black smoke of tension, toxins, sickness and negativity. Do this for a few seconds.
Start chanting OM or you can just say I AM. Bring your awareness to the OM. After a while start to whisper OM and then just say it mentally. If your thoughts wander just acknowledge them and bring your attention back to OM.
After about 5 minutes focus on your heart. Keep your eyes closed. Bring all your attention to your heart. See it with your mind's eye. Hear it and feel it beating.
Experience your heart for a few minutes.
Imagine a ball of light the size of your thumb that embodies all the love in the universe. Imagine the ball descending down through the top of your head down into your heart. Feel the warmth.
Expand the light until it fills your body. The light cleanses your physical and non physical bodies. Let the light cleanse you for a while. Be grateful.
After a while bring your awareness back to your heart. Once again experience your heart for a few minutes and breath in positive cleansing energy and breathe out toxins and negative energy.
Repeat these steps again if you wish for as long as you wish.
Do not over do it. A short daily session is better than one long one per week. Even a few minutes is better than none.
Do what you can and then build up from there over time.
When ready to finish bring your awareness back to your heart. Feel gratitude for all the things you have to be grateful for. Open your eyes.
There are two versions of this video nature sounds or no nature sounds. And, different fractal images:
7.5Hz Binaural beat with 136.1Hz (OM) base frequency.
7.5Hz Isochronic pulse 136.1Hz (OM) base frequency.
7.5Hz (Theta range) - creative thought, artistic abilities, invention, music. Contact with spirit guides for inspiration.
136.1Hz Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.
There are 3 versions of this video same audio just different nature sounds or no nature sounds and different fractal images:
3.4Hz Binaural beat with 136.1Hz (OM) base frequency.
3.4Hz Isochronic pulse 136.1Hz (OM) base frequency.
3.4Hz (delta range) – Sound sleep.
136.1Hz – Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance.
Meditate to this video with headphones before sleep. Then listen while going to sleep. There is an isochronic pulse so headphones not required, but still best when meditating.
Meditate to an alert mind, relaxed body video such as "Study & Focus I"
in the morning. This will help relieve any stress left over from sleep. And, will help you stay relaxed during the day.
If possible meditate to "Study & Focus I" during the day. This will help you stay relaxed.
There are three versions of Sleep II. One with just the binaural and isochronic pulses and two with nature sounds added. The fractal art images are different for each.
10Hz Binaural beat with 144.72Hz base frequency.
10Hz Isochronic beat with 144.72Hz base frequency.
10Hz - Associated with the Solar Plexus (Manipura) chakra. Increases serotonin.
144.72Hz - Frequency of mars. Strength of will.
Proper function of the Manipura chakra will decrease shyness and improve mental clarity, will power, optimism, self-control and sense of humor.
Increasing serotonin helps increase social dominance.
The shyness series of videos was developed in response to a viewer request.
Use this video in the morning as 10Hz is Alpha range and that is good for a state of alert mind & relaxed body.
In the evening before bed do a breath meditation with an anxiety video in the delta range such as:
This meditation has just four affirmations to keep it simple and focused. Repeat these affirmations to yourself during the day as well.
Find a comfortable place and close your eyes.
Listen to the beats and focus on your breathing.
Breathe in relaxing, positive energy.
Breathe out tension and negative energy.
Focus on your breath and the beats.
If your mind wanders acknowledge the thoughts and bring your awareness back to your breath and the beats.
Do this for a few minutes until you are relaxed.
Think of things you are grateful for. Think of positive social interactions that you have had.
Feel grateful for these things.
Repeat the following out loud a few times, then whisper a few times then keep repeating it silently.
I am grateful for what I have.
I am aware of my negative feelings, and I can let them go.
I am outgoing.
I am relaxed, easygoing, and social.
Do this for a few to several minutes.
Then bring your awareness back to your breath and the beats.
If your mind wanders acknowledge the thoughts, repeat the affirmations and bring your awareness back to your breath and the beats.
Do this for as long as you can. Do not over do it. A short daily meditation is better than a long weekly one.
When you are finished bring your awareness back to the room and open your eyes.
There are 3 versions of Shyness I to suite your tastes. They all have the same binaural beat in them. Two of the videos have different nature sounds added. They all have different fractal images.